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“it’s not unovercomeable…”
“those Whores’ Category climbs…”
Facebook is weird
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The other day on the French News there was a story about a plan by the City of Paris to build housing for the homeless at the edge of the Bois de Boulogne which rather upset residents of the chic, not to say filthy rich, 16th Arrondissement. City officials convened a meeting to talk it all out, but it was a complete shambles consisting of mostly shouting from the audience. It was quite something to see an apparently respectable man-of-a-certain-age calling one of the facilitators « salope* » but it was even stranger when he called out « brosse à caca » — “poo brush” to put it politely. This was subtitled so it wasn’t just my ears playing tricks. I’ve not found this particular terminology anywhere but I suppose it’s either a childish or silly name for a toilet brush (balayette pour toilette, brosse à toilettes or more familiarly balai à chiottes).
In my searching though, Facebook helpfully contributed the result above assuring me that all I had to do to communicate with Toilet Brush was to log in.
* « Le terrain est inconstructible, salope! » (“The land can’t be built upon, bitch!”)
Hell is women…apparently
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Seen in a promo for a current affairs program (Envoyé Special) dealing with Salafism in France.
La majorité des habitants de l’enfer sont des femmes
L’imam Al-Bukhâri (1/583) a dit: […] Ibn ʿAbbâs rapporte du Prophète (ﷺ) qu’il a dit « Allah m’a montré l’enfer et j’ai vu que la majorité de ses habitants était des femmes, car elles renient. » On demanda : « Car elles renient Allah ? » Il répondit : « [Non mais] parce qu’elles renient les bienfaits de leurs époux et les faveurs qu’ils leur font. Tu peux être bienfaisant envers une femme toute ta vie. Il suffit que tu la contraries une fois pour qu’elle dise : “Tu n’as jamais été bienfaisant envers moi.” »
The majority of the inhabitants of hell are women
The imam Al-Bukhari (1/583) said: […] Ibn ʿAbbas tells that the Prophet (pbuh) said: “Allah showed me hell and I saw that the majority of its inhabitants were women, because they denied.” He was asked, “Because they denied Allah?” He replied, “[No but] because they denied the charity of their husbands and the favours that they did for them. You can be good-willed towards your wife all your life. You only need to contradict her once for her to say: ‘You never cared for me.’ ”
So I had to go back and check what fine publication this came from. Ah, Ibn Baz, the loony flat-earther from Saudi Arabia. All is explained.
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Pot calling the kettle blonde
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